There are many ways to carry around your important cards and cold, hard cash. Some folks keep them in their phone case, others throw them loosely in their pockets, but most of the time, you use a wallet of some sort for the highest form of security.
But did you know you can keep these valuables in a shoe? Well, not quite. You see, Nike has developed a unique concept for its latest accessory piece. They have converted the Air Max '86 “Royal” silhouette into a clever wallet with a relatively affordable price tag of $30.
Elevate your sneakerhead game by carrying your costly articles in the new Nike Air Max 1 wallet.
Made out of polyurethane and nylon, the wallet borrows the iconic blue swoosh of the silhouette and even the signature bubble of Nike Air. There are three slits in the wallet for any cards of choice and a sleeve on the front to keep any loose cash. As mentioned, the blue swoosh and 'Air' bubble cover the front part of the wallet, while a blue Nike logo is on the back.
The shoe-inspired wallet idea is not new, as some independent creators have experimented with the concept before this official Nike Air Max wallet was announced. Though it is an eye-catching idea, the originality of it is quite questionable. Nevertheless, Nike's Air Max 1 '86 wallet is sure to garner the attention of sneakerheads and curious folks alike.
As of now, there is no official release date for the wallet, as the product page on Nike's website simply reads "Coming Soon". However, there are rumblings that it will hit the open market on March 26, which will be Air Max Day this year.